Help, my coffee plant gets brown spots!

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dark brown spots on coffee plant. Why?
Video: Dark brown spots on coffee plant. Why?


Brown spots can have very different causes

Help, my coffee plant gets brown spots!

Although the coffee plant is in principle quite easy to maintain, it reacts to the wrong location or care errors quite with a discoloration of the leaves. If these become brown or yellow, then you should react quickly.

Individual brown spots on the leaves of your coffee plant can simply be a sunburn. A young coffee plant does not tolerate the direct sunlight so well, an older should be at least slowly getting used to it. A pest infestation can also be shown by individual spots. They should fight you immediately.

In the coffee plant especially scale insects like to occur once. For low infestation try home remedies. A heavy infestation can often be effectively controlled only with appropriate chemicals.

What is behind brown leaves?

If whole leaves turn brown, then your coffee plant might have got draft, for example, or too little light. In this case, you should immediately change the location. Your coffee plant likes it warm and bright, without wind or drafts. Even in winter it should not be too cold, it needs at least 15 ° C.

If you overfill your coffee plant too much or too little, it may also react with discoloration of the leaves, as well as too much or too little fertilizer. Here you should necessarily adjust the care. If the soil is relatively wet, it is best to replace it immediately.

If you repot your coffee plant, then control the roots. Remove any lazy or soft parts. Then put the plant in fresh soil. Pour the coffee plant gently. In the next few weeks, you will spend a little more sparingly than before and refrain from fertilizing.

Possible causes of brown spots or leaves:


As a first aid measure usually recommends a change of location. If this does not help, then you should consider the previous care.