To multiply currants by refining

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Refiner’s Fire
Video: The Refiner’s Fire


To multiply currants by refining

The refining of currants is one of the oldest methods of asexual reproduction. Refining is a great way to grow more currant varieties on just one shrub, especially in very small gardens.

Early article These pests threaten redcurrants Next article Increase redcurrants by cuttings

Why refine redcurrants?

By refining, the gardener succeeds in cultivating unmixed currants. With this method, the positive properties of a plant are completely preserved.

For example, if you have a particularly high-yielding currant in the garden, or if a plant is resistant to disease and pest infestation, it is worth refining it to grow young plants.

Refining also allows you to harvest multiple varieties from just one shrub. There are hobby gardeners, on whose shrubs grow up to ten different currant varieties.

This is how currants are refined

The best time is after the harvest in August or September. As a base gold currant or gooseberry plants are suitable.

Cut about ten centimeters long scions from the currant bush, which you want to refine. Choose only young shoots that are fully in the juice.

Remove all leaves. Directly under one eye, cut an approximately three-centimeter long piece of the shoot diagonally downwards with a sharp knife. Select a shoot of the pad and cut it diagonally upwards.

Connecting the two Reiser

Put the cut surfaces of the two Reiser exactly on each other. Then the juices can connect with each other.

Fix the finish by wrapping it with raffia or hemp. Spread the wounds with wound paste.

Next year, at the refining site, new shoots will emerge that either leave them on the shrub or separate them and plant them as offshoots at another location.

Cleanliness is the top priority

Be careful not to touch the cut surfaces with your fingers, as this will cause germs to enter the wound.

Use only well-cleaned knives so that you do not infect the spot with diseases from other plants.

Tips & Tricks

Currants can be refined in various ways. However, honeysuckling, chipping or copulating are less suitable for beginners. Have these methods demonstrated by a savvy gardener before venturing out into the garden.