Dry redcurrants and preserve them for a long time

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to tie gooseberries and redcurrants
Video: How to tie gooseberries and redcurrants


Dry redcurrants and preserve them for a long time

If you have harvested so many currants that you can not consume the fruits at once, you can dry them. Dried currants enrich the diet during the winter months. When properly stored they are stable for several years.

Prepare currants for drying

Remove the fruits from the panicles and carefully read them. If possible, the currants should not be washed as the moisture will prolong the drying process.

Possibilities for drying currants

A dehydrator is best for drying red, white and black currants. This is optimal temperatures and you do not consume so much power. Refer to the manufacturer's specifications for temperatures and drying time.

In the oven, the currants are placed on metal sheets and dried at a maximum temperature of 90 degrees for several hours. With circulating air, the drying process is more complete than with a normal oven with top and bottom heat.

Drying in the air

Spread the currants on parchment paper that you place on a porous surface, such as a grid.

The berries are placed in a warm, airy and bright place for several days. In the sun, currants should not necessarily dry as the light fades them. It also creates too high temperatures, which destroy the ingredients of the fruits.

Long shelf life when properly stored

If the redcurrants are properly dried, they are stored in stained glass jars. White glass can be covered with foil. Place the glasses in a dark place, neither too damp nor too warm.

Check from time to time if the berries are still ok. Sometimes mold forms, because the fruits still contained residual moisture. Also vermin likes to make over dried redcurrants.

When properly stored, dried redcurrants can be kept for several years. Give it dried to your tea blend. If you want to consume the berries in cereal or cake, let them swell in water or milk first.

Tips & Tricks

Dried redcurrants are a real asset to fruit teas. They not only provide a fruity taste, but also have a digestive effect.