Currants can not be stored for long

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
EASY!! TRINI CURRANTS ROLL recipe ( no folding- super easy)- Episode 1073
Video: EASY!! TRINI CURRANTS ROLL recipe ( no folding- super easy)- Episode 1073


By cooking, redcurrants can be preserved

Currants can not be stored for long

Currants are very healthy. They contain a lot of vitamin C and minerals and are true slimming products, because they are mostly water. Because of the high water content, currants need to be consumed as quickly as possible.

Do not keep currants for longer than two days

Currants are best consumed immediately after harvest. If it happens that you can not consume fresh redcurrants until the next day, you need to keep them cool.

To prepare currants for short-term storage:

Washed fruits rot faster

Currants that you can not eat immediately should not be washed or peeled from the panicles.

Collect only all rotten or moldy berries.

Place the panicles on a plate next to each other and cover with plastic wrap. In the fridge, the berries remain fresh one day in this way.


Sugar is a natural preservative. It prevents mold growth. Sweetened fruits last up to two days with good cooling.

Read the fruits carefully, wash them and dry with some kitchen paper. Only then do you remove the berries from the panicles.

Put the individual berries in a bowl and mix with sugar. Cover the bowl with cling film and place in the refrigerator.

Get out of the fridge on time

By cooling the currants lose their aroma. Remove the panicles or sugared berries from the refrigerator for two to three hours before consumption to allow them to reach room temperature and taste better.

Do not harvest too many berries at once

Chilled fruits do not taste as good as freshly picked redcurrants from the shrub. Therefore, you should only harvest as many berries as you can consume or cook on the same day.

Tips & Tricks

Currants last longer when you freeze them. Frozen or preserved berries last up to a year and can then be processed to compote or juiced. However, they lose some of their valuable ingredients during storage.