Multiply jasmine by cuttings yourself

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tips and tricks of Growing Cuttings of Mogra / Jasmine
Video: Tips and tricks of Growing Cuttings of Mogra / Jasmine


Jasmine is good at propagating cuttings

Multiply jasmine by cuttings yourself

Especially beautiful jasmine varieties can often not be replaced because they are not offered in the trade. However, you can easily win offsprings from cuttings. Tips for cutting and propagating through cuttings.

Cutting cuttings in spring or summer

Cuttings for the reproduction of jasmine cut best in the spring or summer. Pick out shoots that are already slightly woody. Most are the branches from the previous year.

Cut the cuttings with a sharp knife at a slight angle. They should be about 10 to 15 inches long.

Remove all lower leaves. If budding approaches are recognizable, they will be removed. If the jasmine has very large leaves, cut them halfway through. This is not necessary for small leaves.

Prepare small pots

As a planting substrate you can take simple garden soil mixed with some mature compost and sand or expanded clay. If not available, buy special seedling soil in the garden market.

The soil must be germ-free, otherwise the cuttings quickly mold or rot. Put the soil in the hot oven for a few minutes to sterilize.

The cuttings are inserted about five centimeters deep into the moistened soil. Then press the earth firmly.

The right location for the cuttings

Heat is important! Place the pots in a sheltered, bright, warm place. Temperatures around 20 degrees are ideal.

Keep the earth moist. It is even better if you protect the pot with a transparent plastic bag. The cover ensures good air and soil moisture. But do not forget to remove the hood regularly to air the cuttings.

More than two years pass before the first flower

The next spring, new leaves should have formed on the cuttings. Now you can plant it in a larger pot.

At least two years pass before the jasmine flowers for the first time.


Cuttings from False Jasmine (Philadelphus), also called Bauernjasmin or Duftjasmin, are best cut in June. Put the cuttings in a prepared garden bed and provide winter protection.