Japanese maple easy to propagate over cuttings

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Propagate Japanese Maple from Cuttings (Step by step)
Video: Propagate Japanese Maple from Cuttings (Step by step)


The offshoots of the Japanese Maple will be cut in June

Japanese maple easy to propagate over cuttings

The Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) or, as it is sometimes referred to in specialty stores, "Japanese fan maple" can be easily and cheaply propagated through cuttings - provided you follow our advice regarding planting and care of young offshoots. Above all, make sure you only cut off offspring from healthy and strong trees. Since you create clones of the parent plant in the vegetative propagation, they also take over all the characteristics of the adult tree.

Cutting cuttings already in early summer

Ideally, between the end of May and the end of June, cut young, not (or only slightly) woody shoots from the tree to be propagated. These should be about 10 to 15 inches long. Since the roots that are not rooted will have difficulty with water absorption, you should limit the number of leaves to a maximum of two to three small leaves and also remove all flowers and buds. In addition, the cut surface is held slightly inclined to facilitate water absorption.

The first roots will form within about eight weeks.

Plant young Japanese maple

The young Japanese maples should first be cultivated in the pot and overwintered in the first winter inhouse at frost-free temperatures of up to 12 degrees Celsius. The planting takes place in the following spring, but only after the Eisheiligen. After rooting, you can fertilize the seedlings carefully or immediately transfer them to a suitable plant substrate and into a larger pot.


Keep the rooted cuttings outdoors on warm days for a few hours, preferably not in the direct sun. Before planting, the trees should also be hardened to become accustomed to outdoor living.