A comprehensive overview: Characteristics Japanese Cherry

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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A cover Overview: Wanted poster Japanese cherry

In the spring, the most sensational, in the summer in the background and kicking off in the autumn of their season with a colorful fireworks - the Japanese cherry tree is a popular ornamental shrub. Everything that you should know about them, summarized here clearly.

Short profile Japanese ornamental cherry

Her external appearance

While the wood is spanned by a gray-brown to gray-black bark with characteristic horizontal stripes, the leaves are medium green to dark green. They arrange themselves in an alternate sequence around the shoots, are smooth, ovate to elliptical in shape and yellow to red in autumn.

Before the deciduous foliage appears, the hermaphrodite and fünfzähligen blooms of Japanese ornamental cherry present.They are up to 5 inches wide, decorate the entire crown in a large variety and are enormously ornamental due to their white, pink to neon pink color.

The flowers are happily detached from the edible cherries. As a rule, no fruits are formed. But if so, they will mature in July. They are dark red to black colored.

Your location requirements

The Japanese Cherry wishes - best in the fall - to be planted in a sunny spot. There she forms most of the flowers. The soil should be deep and well drained. Easily suitable are slightly sandy-humusous substrates which have an alkaline pH.

Care needs and handling

The care requirement of this plant is extremely low. It is good hardy and in nursing, it is sufficient to pour it regularly in the early years and auszulichten. A fertilizer does not necessarily require it. At most, it can be supplied with lime and a phosphorus-rich fertilizer. It is not usually necessary to treat diseases and pests as this plant is extremely robust.

Tips & Tricks

An annual clearing of this ornamental cherry prevents for the most part the emergence of diseases and preserves their blossoming joy.