And with you? Also poison (plant) in the garden?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
poison plant in my garden #shorts
Video: poison plant in my garden #shorts


Angelic beautiful and highly poisonous: The angel trumpet

And with you? Also poison (plant) in the garden?

But is actually meant seriously! Especially the beginners of the most beautiful pastime in the world, the hobby gardening, often do not even know what to bring to the beds with golden rain, angel trumpets, priest's hats or the popular lily of the valley. And if you know it, your dog does not know it yet, or the beloved house cat.

Let's take Castor: Great look into the fall with these characteristic blue-green, with red veins embellished, huge leaves, the bristle-like bright red flowers and the highly toxic ricin. 25 milligrams or a seed of it will suffice for death within two days if no one helps.
Somehow, nature seems to have gotten used to poisonous plants. Most of them are particularly attractive plants, that is, ornamental plants, which we are not only dealing with in gardens, but can also be admired in public parks and of course in the great outdoors. Take a look yourself, if you can find old friends in our list:

The official list of poisonous plant species (an excerpt!)

Source: "Official List of Toxic Plants" by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

* * = Low intake can lead to moderate poisoning;
* * * = Low intake can lead to severe or fatal poisoning;

First Aid, what to do?

Some varieties are perceived by the sense of taste not as alarming or even dangerous perceived and rather than typical for the fruit. Others contain bitter substances or burn in the mouth and have an above-average excitatory effect on the central nervous system. Symptoms typical of the disease such as fever, stomach cramps and vomiting, in some cases even cardiac arrhythmias, are diagnosed after one hour in some toxic plants. Effective antidote for home use, except for the well-known medical coal - no indication! Self-medications in the form of old-handed poison cocktails from grandmothers delivered medicine cabinet do not even try, because they literally "surefire" would be. Only option for suspected poisoning: emergency call and the fastest possible.

The TOP 10 of the most dangerous poison plants

Important to know: What is growing in my garden!

Not infrequently, especially beautiful plants that are found during a walk are taken without any malicious intent in the garden and planted there. Whoever knows what he does will also tell his children about it and warn them of the possible dangers. Nevertheless, caution is advised or in case of doubt on the cultivation of these plants, even in the interest of possible pets, to give up, because you can also enjoy good as well as even more beautiful plants, as our following post shows.