When does the ragwort flower bloom?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
What’s That Plant? How to Use Botanical Keys to Identify Common Irish Wildflowers  - For Beginners!
Video: What’s That Plant? How to Use Botanical Keys to Identify Common Irish Wildflowers - For Beginners!


The ragwort should be fought before flowering

When does the ragwort flower bloom?

In the first year, ragwort forms a rosette with deeply slotted leaves. Only in the second year, the upright stems with the bright yellow basket flowers forms.

The heyday

The first flowers appear from mid-June, the main flower of the St. James is from July to August. Hence the name of the plant: Jacobi is on the 25th of July and by this date the St. Jacobs Raisin is in full bloom.

If you let the Jakobsgreiskraut grow undisturbed, formed from the bright yellow flower heads countless seeds that are similar to those of the dandelion spread by the wind. Thereafter, the herb is so weakened that the mother plant is received.


For consistent control of the Jakobkreuzkrautes it is important to cut out the plant before flowering and destroy it. Simply leave it is not a solution, because then only the mother plant enters while growing at the same time dew from seeds to new plants.