Harvest eggplant

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
When To Harvest Eggplant
Video: When To Harvest Eggplant


Harvest eggplant

With proper care of the eggplant comes in early ripening fruits in July, the time to harvest. Later ripening varieties are so far from August. What do you need to watch out for if you want to harvest your eggs?

Previous article Maintaining Eggplant - Important Tips for Caring for the Eggplant

The right time is important

Aubergines are harvested when they are not quite ripe. However, the harvest should not be too early. Then the fruits contain too much solanine, which is slightly poisonous. Overripe fruits lose a lot of aroma and are no longer suitable for drying.

Free-range aubergines harvest from July to late autumn

Depending on the eggplant variety, the harvest season starts in July or August and lasts until the frost sets in. Eggplant in the greenhouse is often ripe earlier and can be picked into the winter.

External signs for the right harvest time

Eggplants are ready to be harvested when the peel shines and has no stains. It gives in slightly at the touch of a finger. The color depends on the eggplant variety. It can be dark purple, but also white or green.

The inside of the eggplant must be bright, almost white, inside. If it is greenish, the fruit was harvested too early. The toxic solanine content is then too high and the eggplant should not be consumed. If the meat is already brownish discolored, the eggplant is overripe and tastes bitter.

How to test eggplant before harvest:

Win cores to multiply

Eggplant contains small seeds like tomatoes. You also have to be white. If you want to plant aubergines from the kernels next year, let the fruit become overripe, making the kernels look very dark.

Gently pick eggplants

The aubergines are carefully cut off with the stalk. The plant must be held with one hand so that the shoots do not break off.

Tips & Tricks

If the harvested aubergines are still too immature, you can let them ripen a little if you place them near apples. These develop a gas that brings other fruits to maturity. Check regularly how far the ripening process has progressed.