So store the onions of the hyacinth properly

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Plant Flowers in Your Vegetable Garden - Have FUN with FLOWER BULBS!
Video: Plant Flowers in Your Vegetable Garden - Have FUN with FLOWER BULBS!


Hyacinth bulbs must be stored in winter dry, cold and dark

So store the onions of the hyacinth properly

Hyacinth bulbs have a long lifespan. The tubers sprout up to 15 years. This works only if you store the onions properly after flowering. What to look out for when storing hyacinth tubers for extended periods of time.

Store hyacinth bulbs from the garden properly

After flowering, leave the onions in the bed or pot for a longer time before digging them out. In this time you are not allowed the hyacinths

Only blooms should be removed, as seeds develop from the flowers, which only rob the tuber unnecessarily.

When the leaves are yellow and withered, dig out the onion, cut off the leaves and clean them. In addition, it has to dry for some time.

The right wintering quarter

Hyacinth bulbs are best planted in very early spring. Until then, you have to find a good storage place. It is ideal when it is dark, cold and dry. Garages, basements or garden sheds are well suited.

Do not place the dry and clean onions too close together in a basket. You can store the tubers completely without substrate. But it is better if you have something

distribute between the tubers. Some gardeners wrap the onions in newspaper.

The tubers should not dry out completely. From time to time you may need to increase the humidity slightly.

Stratify before planting

Before placing the onions in the field or in the pot, they must be stratified by exposing them to the cold for about eight weeks. This happens either outside on the terrace or in the fridge.

Leave hyacinth bulbs in the garden

The storage of hyacinth bulbs save you, if you leave the spring bloomers over winter in the bed. The onions tolerate frost easily.

However, it can happen in very humid weather that the soil is too wet and the onions are rotten. Therefore, it is important that you provide a loose, water-permeable soil before planting.

Tips & Tricks

Purchased hyacinth bulbs are already stratified. Plant them as soon as possible. Under no circumstances should you store them in plastic packaging for a long time.