The hyacinth has faded - what now?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Richard Covers Hyacinth in Mud | Keeping Up Appearances
Video: Richard Covers Hyacinth in Mud | Keeping Up Appearances


Faded flowers of the hyacinth must be cut off

The hyacinth has faded - what now?

Unfortunately, the flowering of even the most beautiful hyacinth in May comes to an end. Many flower lovers then simply throw the potted plant away and buy a new flower next season. That is not necessary. So you keep the hyacinth perennial as a potted plant.

Early article Prefer hyacinths in glass - ornamental plant breeding Next article Hyacinths hibernate properly

Cut off blooming flowers

Whether you keep the hyacinth in the pot or in the garden: when the flowers have flowered, do not cut them too deep. A piece of the stem should remain on the plant.

You must never remove the green foliage of the plant. Through them, the tuber absorbs nutrients. If you cut the leaves, the onion will have no power for new flowers next year.

Maintain hyacinths in the garden after flowering

When the hyacinth has withered in the flowerbed, it hardly needs any further care. At some point, the foliage turns yellow and gets absorbed. The tuber goes into hibernation.

Since hyacinths are hardy and tolerate frost well, winter protection is not necessary.

In the autumn, you should carefully prune some ripe compost into the soil around the tubers, so that the onion can be vigorously expelled again next year.

Plant hyacinths in the pot after flowering

A good way to maintain hyacinths in the pot for several years is to plant them outdoors when they have flowered.

In most cases, the hyacinth will sprout new life next year and beautify the garden with its pretty flowers.

Keep hyacinth in the pot perennial

Getting hyacinths in the pot to drift next year is not easy. The plant needs:

If you want to try to make the hyacinth in the pot bloom for several years, send it into the resting phase when it has flowered.

Place the planter in a shady place and stop pouring completely. The earth has to dry out.

Without cold treatment no new budding

In October, remove any remaining leaves and place the tuber in new soil.

Place them in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for several weeks to stratify. Without this cold treatment, the hyacinth does not flower in the following year.

Alternatively, you can put the covered tuber in the pot even at minus temperatures for several days on the balcony or terrace.

As soon as the first green tips appear, they get used to warmer temperatures and water more often.

Tips & Tricks

If you have limited space in the flowerbed, remove the tubers from the soil when the foliage is yellow. The onions are stored over winter clean and dry in the basement or the garage. In autumn or spring, plant them again.