Increase hydrangeas: make one out of many

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The secret to get multiple full BLOOMS hydrangeas. DIY, just few things you need to know.
Video: The secret to get multiple full BLOOMS hydrangeas. DIY, just few things you need to know.


Increase hydrangeas: make one out of many

Hydrangeas with their romantic flower balls are a wonderful ornament for every garden. If you would like to attract offspring from a particularly attractive Hydrangea, that is not as difficult as often thought and succeeds even without a green thumb easily. We betrayed you.

Previous article How is the hydrangea properly wintered?

Propagation by cuttings

If you want to grow hydrangeas this way, you'll have to cut about 15 centimeters of hydrangea cuttings in June or July. Make sure that the mother plant thrives vigorously and flowers abundantly, because she will pass on these properties to her offspring. Only cut shoots from the one-year-old but already mature wood, as these form problem-free roots.

Preparation of the cuttings:

In this way, you can cut a number of shoots from a longer branch of hydrangea and require relatively little plant material to produce multiple cuttings.

Introducing the saplings

Fruit bowls made of plastic, which have slots or holes in the lower area to prevent waterlogging, are particularly suitable as seed containers. Fill it with coconut soil or potting soil. Coconut is preferable because of its porous structure, which keeps it very loose so that the soft roots can penetrate the material well.

Put the cuttings about five centimeters deep into the substrate, making sure that the leaves do not touch. This is necessary so that the air can circulate well, because hydrangea cuttings begin to mold rapidly in high humidity. Press the soil lightly so that the shoots have good hold and pour the sprouts.

Creating the right climate

Now make a small greenhouse by putting a transparent plastic bag over the culture container. It is important to provide fresh air regularly over the next few weeks and to ventilate the film house at least once or twice a day.

It is also important to always put the cuttings in an absonned position. The tender plantlets burn as soon as they are exposed to direct sunlight for a long time.

Hydrangea shoots need many nutrients to thrive. Nutritional deficiency can be recognized by the fact that the leaves only turn light green. Fertilize however only very sparingly, because too much fertilizer is as harmful as one too few. The easiest to handle is special hydrangea liquid fertilizer, which you add to the irrigation water in half the prescribed dosage.

Separating the cuttings

Once the plantlets have formed small root balls, you can convert them into flower pots. Maintain the hydrangeas in the house in the first year. In the second year, accustom the offspring slowly to the changed conditions in the garden before you put the hydrangea in the flowerbed.

Propagation by sinkers

If you want to pull a hydrangea yourself, this is the easiest way. All you need is:

Choose a long shoot in the lower part of the mother plant and gently push it to the ground. At the spot where it touches the ground, dig a small hole. Lower the branch into the depression and cover it with earth in the middle. Complain the point with the stone.

In the next gardening season you can carefully dig up the sinker with a spade and separate it from the mother plant. We recommend cultivating the young plant for one year in a sufficiently large pot to form dense and strong roots. The following spring you can put the Hydrangea in the bed, where it grows quickly and with a little luck in the same year, the first flowers.

Random multiplication in a glass of water

Hydrangeas are popular cut flowers that last exceptionally long in the vase. Often they already form roots here. If you transplant these saplings into a container into which you have planted sprouting soil, a small hydrangea grows from the former vase jewelery, which in most cases already blooms the next year.

Propagation by division

You can share carefully broad and not too tall hydrangeas. At the edge of the mother plant prick a part of the bush with a spade and transplant it to the desired location. Mulch the hydrangea well and water the plant regularly so that the plant quickly roots.


Hydrangeas take some time to form roots, please do not lose patience in breeding. In our experience, it can take up to eight weeks for the saplings to form a small root ball.