Seed hydrangeas from seeds

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing Hydrangea, Fuchsia, Hyacinths and Calla Lily from seeds ~ Sowing seeds from Ali express
Video: Growing Hydrangea, Fuchsia, Hyacinths and Calla Lily from seeds ~ Sowing seeds from Ali express


It is quite difficult to win hydrangea seeds yourself

Seed hydrangeas from seeds

Hydrangeas, like many other plants, can be grown from seeds. However, this is difficult and rather unusual. Read in this article why this is so and how the offspring of hydrangea seeds can succeed.

semen Collection

If you want to gain seeds of hydrangea yourself, this is relatively difficult. The large flowers are unfruitful baubles that produce no seeds. The seeds themselves are very well hidden inside the plant. In addition, many new breeds no longer produce seeds.

The sowing

The seed pods are tiny and have a diameter of about three millimeters. In them are the brown, spindle-shaped seeds. Depending on the type of hydrangea, the seed grains are endowed with small wings or smooth.

Hydrangeas sow

Abroad, unlike in Germany, germinable hydrangea seeds are relatively often available.

Proceed as follows with the cultivation:

It may take a relatively long time for the small seeds to rise. Once they reach a height of about ten centimeters, the small hydrangeas are piqued. The tiny plantlets are still very fragile and should be kept in a warm, sheltered place on the windowsill.

The first winter

Even the first winter, the small hydrangeas must overwinter in the house. Place the pots in a cool but frost-free place. Well suited is the staircase or a bright basement room. In the second year you can carefully get used to the field grown hydrangea plants to the field.

Tips & Tricks

Simpler and more promising is the propagation of hydrangea through cuttings. These can be cut from any plant, rooted well and grow quickly to vigorous plants.