The care of hydrangeas in the tub

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tips & Tricks - Working with Hydrangeas
Video: Tips & Tricks - Working with Hydrangeas


Hydrangeas in the tub should be as shady or partially shady as possible

The care of hydrangeas in the tub

Farm hydrangeas with their large flower balls are often preferred in the greenhouse and come in early spring as a decorative room decoration in the trade. How to maintain the hydrangea in the pot is explained in this article.

The right location

Hydrangeas are not sunbathers and prefer half shady or shady locations. On a north, east or west balcony or in the entrance area, the hydrangea feels very well. In the room, you should place hydrangea on a bright window.

The perfect substrate

The hydrangea needs a loose, well-drained and slightly acidic substrate that can store a lot of water. Ideally suited is special hydrangea or rhododendron earth.

Water regularly and fertilize

If you keep a hydrangea in the tub, you will soon discover that the plant is extremely thirsty. Water hydrangea whenever the top of the substrate feels dry. On hot summer days, it may be necessary to hydrate the hydrangea twice a day. Since the Hydrangea is very sensitive to waterlogging, you should tip away excess water in the coaster even on very warm days.

Since the soil in the pot can only store a limited amount of nutrients, you must hydrate the hydrangea every 14 days during the growing season. Use special hydrangea, azalea or rhododendron fertilizer.


Cover hydrangea in fresh substrate about every two years. The planter should be slightly larger than the one used so far, so that the sensitive roots have enough space.


Hydrangeas in the tub can easily be multiplied by cuttings.Cut a shoot with two pairs of leaves and cut the leaves in half. Plucked in potting soil, the seedling is rapidly taking root.

Pests and diseases

With good care, hydrangeas are not very susceptible to plant diseases and pests. Occasionally the hydrangea is attacked by spider mites or aphids. These pests can be well-controlled with insecticides from the garden trade. The occasional chlorosis (iron deficiency) in red and pink hydrangeas can be prevented by using an appropriate fertilizer with an iron content.


If you maintain a hydrangea in the pot, you should overwinter the plant in the house during the first years. Well suited is a cool basement room or the staircase. The room temperature should not exceed ten degrees. Remember to air daily to prevent rot.