Valuable tips on how to plant hydrangeas properly

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hydrangeas - everything you need to know about growing hydrangeas in your garden
Video: Hydrangeas - everything you need to know about growing hydrangeas in your garden


Plant your hydrangea in a shady or partially shaded, sheltered place

Valuable tips on how to plant hydrangeas properly

In the garden trade, the Hydrangea is usually offered as a small, flowering stick in a container. In the pot used plants should preferably be used in the spring. But even in summer or early autumn, the romantic garden beauty still has enough time to root well.

The suitable place

Hydrangeas prefer half-shady or shady locations. They should also be protected from the wind, as the large and sometimes very heavy umbel could be badly affected by gusts of wind.

Plant hydrangeas

Once the right place has been found, the hydrangea is put into action. Proceed as follows:

Preparation of the plant

Before planting the hydrangea, place the pot with the root ball in a water bath for at least 10 minutes. This allows the roots to absorb moisture well.

Lift out the planting hole

Lift the planting pit during this time. It should be about twice as wide and deep as the planter. Loosen the edges and bottom of the plant hole to prevent waterlogging. In areas of highly condensed soil, fill in a drainage layer of gravel and coarse-grained sand.

The special soil requirements of hydrangea

The hydrangea is considered a difficult garden beauty, because it varies depending on the pH of the soil. Therefore, it is recommended to know the pH of the garden soil and to improve it by appropriate measures if necessary.

Inserting the hydrangea

Plant the hydrangea too deep, the roots get too little air and begin to rot. Too high to slow down the growth of hydrangea.

Tips & Tricks

Hydrangeas feel very well in a special hydrangea or rhododendron earth. This special substrate is loose, stores a lot of moisture and thus fulfills all soil requirements of hydrangea.