The hydrangea as a houseplant

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Impossible-to-Please Indoor Plants!
Video: 10 Impossible-to-Please Indoor Plants!


The hydrangea also thrives as a houseplant, but needs a lot of water

The hydrangea as a houseplant

The hydrangea copes well with the temperatures in the home and is therefore extremely popular as a richly flowering potted plant. In this guide we would like to inform you about the special requirements of hydrangea.


Give the hydrangea a bright spot on the flower fest. Direct sunlight, especially during the hot midday hours, should be avoided.

room temperature

Hydrangeas get along well with the usual room temperatures between 20 and 23 degrees. However, the beautiful flower umbels will fade faster with consistently warm temperatures indoors.

to water

The hydrangea also needs a lot of water in the apartment. Always keep the substrate moist, but avoid waterlogging. After a few minutes, pour excess liquid out of the planter or saucer so the roots are not wet and start to rot. In regions with very calcareous water, you should water the houseplant with rainwater or filtered water, as too much lime will be badly tolerated in the long run and lead to yellow, chlorotic leaves.

Blue hydrangeas need acidic soil

With blue hydrangeas it is recommended to treat the irrigation water occasionally with vinegar. The pH of the substrate should level off slightly below seven. Check this floor value with test strips at regular intervals.


Hydrangeas grow poorly in normal potting soil. Therefore, place the hydrangea in rhododendron or azalea earth, which has the optimum pH and stores water for a long time without wetting. Repotting is about every two years.


Hydrangeas that are indoors need a special fertilizer, just like hydrangeas transplanted outdoors. Well suited is hydrangea, azalea or rhododendron fertilizer, which you add to the irrigation water once a week during the growth phase.

Blue flowering hydrangeas

These varieties must be supplied with blue fertilizer once or twice a year. Alternatively, once a spring, you can dissolve about six grams of aluminum sulfate, which you can get in the pharmacy, in the irrigation water.

Special features of the care

Tips & Tricks

Since the whole apartment is often heated, you can bring the room hydrangea overnight to a cool place, such as the staircase or bedroom. By doing so, the flowers last longer.