Waterlogging: Permanently wet feet do not like the hydrangea

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Plants for Soggy Conditions
Video: Plants for Soggy Conditions


Waterlogging: Permanently wet feet do not like the hydrangea

Although the Hydrangea is one of the water hungry plants, it eventually evaporates a lot of moisture over the leaf area, it is very sensitive to waterlogging. If your hydrangea begins to wither despite being sufficiently watered, you may have meant it too well and over-watered the plant.

How is waterlogging created?

Pour the hydrangea regularly and the drainage hole in the planter is clogged by substrate, the excess moisture collects in the flowerpot. If the water can run off, but then remains in the coaster for a long time, the hydrangea also does not like it.

Outdoor hydrangeas often take care of prolonged periods of rain, when the water is unable to drain or drain adequately. Waterlogging predominantly occurs in heavily compacted and heavy soils.

The consequences for the hydrangea

Due to the wetness of the substrate hardly any oxygen gets to the roots. Harmful fungi settle and destroy the fine root system, so that the hydrangea can absorb more moisture despite the excess water. Throw out the hydrangea, the potting soil smells unpleasantly foul and musty through these decomposition processes.

Rescue measures for tub hydrangeas

If you intervene in time, many hydrangeas can be rescued and after a short time they will be powerful again. Follow these steps:

Avoid waterlogging in the field

For heavy soils, it is advisable to introduce a drainage layer of coarse sand and gravel into the planting hole before planting the hydrangea. If this is no longer possible, you can incorporate mature compost into the soil for soil improvement. Also mix some mature sand, this will make the ground more permeable. Loosen the soil around the hydrangea regularly to prevent it from condensing again.

Tips & Tricks

In the case of planters, make sure that the extraction holes are already broken. Often this is not the case and you need to use scissors or a hand drill to open the necessary drain.