Evergreen hydrangeas

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting Climbing Hydrangeas - Fragrant Flowering Vine
Video: Planting Climbing Hydrangeas - Fragrant Flowering Vine


Evergreen hydrangeas

The famous perennial gardener Karl Foerster wrote about the hydrangea: "No flower dies more beautiful ...". Although many hydrangeas shed their leaves in the fall, they are an ornament for any green area. The faded, smoky colors of the hydrangea flowers, adorned with spider webs glittering in the dew, enchant the autumnal garden. Some more or less winter hardy new breeds, however, keep their attractive foliage even in the cold months.

Evergreen hydrangeas - charming rarities

Among the evergreen hydrangea varieties, which do not shed their leaves even in the cold season, include some tropical hydrangeas and climbing hydrangea new breeds. The best known are:

The evergreen Climbing Hydrangeas form, similar to the ivy, pinnipeds, with which they climb several meters in the air. In contrast to many vine plants, the roots of these evergreen hydrangeas do not penetrate the masonry. They are suitable for half shady or shady locations, as they require little sunlight and yet form a rich flower florets.

Evergreen hydrangeas are slightly more sensitive than the deciduous varieties and should only be planted outdoors in mild regions. You must water these Hydrangea regularly during periods of drought in winter, as it evaporates much liquid over the large leaf area on sunny winter days like numerous evergreen plants.

Summergreen varieties are the rule

Most hydrangeas shed their foliage in autumn, preparing for the cold season. These types include:

Some varieties such as the oak leaf orchid take on an intense foliage color in autumn and adorn themselves with the most beautiful autumn colors before the dull winter months.

Tips & Tricks

Evergreen climbing hydrangeas are also suitable in mild regions as attractive groundcover. However, they should only be planted where the temperature does not drop permanently below five degrees minus.