Hydrangea "Annabelle" easily multiply by sharing

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hydrangea "Annabelle" easily multiply by sharing - Garden
Hydrangea "Annabelle" easily multiply by sharing - Garden


The snowball hydrangea Annabelle can be multiplied well by division

Hydrangea "Annabelle" easily multiply by sharing

In addition to the Macrophylla varieties - which include the farmer and garden hydrangea - include the Snowball hydrangea (botanical hydrangea arborescens) to the most popular shrubs for the garden. Their advantages are also not to be overlooked, because in addition to the huge, cream-white flower balls especially the variety "Annabelle" convinces by a tall and bushy growth as well as by their excellent frost hardiness. "Annabelle" is also very easy to multiply by division, since the age-increasing rootstock forms many sprouts.

The right time for a division

For the division, there are two favorable times: After flowering in the fall or before budding in spring, when the buds come, but still no leaves have formed. Generally, the rule of thumb is that autumn bloomers are shared in the spring and spring and summer blooms in the fall. Thus, the best point of time for the summer flowering rapid ball hydrangea "Annabelle" would be the fall, the experience speaks rather for the early spring, perhaps in conjunction with the then resulting pruning. But whenever you want to do the division, always make sure that each part has at least one shoot.

Division of the snowball hydrangea "Annabelle" step-by-step

Usually, the rhizomes are divided into two parts, with a very large copies also a division into three or four (or even more) sections is possible. It is very important to replant the cuts immediately, otherwise they will dry out and die off. If necessary, if immediate planting is not possible, wrap the root pieces in plastic bags and store in a cool and dark place. In this way, they remain moist until planting, but should still remain no longer than a maximum of three to four days.

Sharing "Annabelle" - that's how it works

For the division, dig out the previously cut down shrubs completely and divide the rhizome by a strong blow with the spade vertically in two (or, in the case of very large rhizomes, several) parts. If the roots are very matted, you can also use two grave forks in the middle and tear the rootstock by pulling the forks in two parts.

Tips & Tricks

Important for a good growth of the plants is a careful soil preparation. A thorough loosening of the soil before planting is important in any case, you can also incorporate mature compost generously for soil improvement. As starter fertilizer low-salt mineral fertilizer is mixed in to give the plant optimum starting conditions.