Is it really necessary to support the hydrangea "Annabelle"?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Is it really necessary to support the hydrangea "Annabelle"? - Garden
Is it really necessary to support the hydrangea "Annabelle"? - Garden


If the flowers of the snowball hydrangea Annabelle become too heavy, you should support them

Is it really necessary to support the hydrangea "Annabelle"?

The snowball hydrangea "Annabelle" is one of the most popular garden hydrangeas due to its huge, beautiful white flower balls. In fact, she is not only very floriferous, but also has an excellent winter hardiness. At the same time, the same large flowers that make her attractive are her fate. The flower heads can become so heavy that they need to be supported.

Stability depends on the location and size of the plant

However, it is not always necessary to stave (as support in horticulturists is also called), but depends on the one hand on the exact location of the plant and on the other hand on its actual size. Therefore, plant the Hydrangea "Annabelle" best in a sheltered, quiet location in the garden, then not every breeze is a danger to the flowers. For example, a stand on a wall or house wall is very suitable.

Hydrangea "Annabelle" based

In order to support a hydrangea like "Annabelle" meaningfully, various constructions made of bamboo sticks have proven themselves. Take several bamboo sticks, the height of which depends on the size of your "Annabelle" and put them in a row and at least 30 centimeters deep in front of the bush in the garden soil.Connect these poles to other horizontally mounted bamboo poles, with the distance from bar to bar not exceeding 40 centimeters. Of course, you can also attach this support around the plant, depending on where the flowers appear. Finally, tie the flowers to the posts with a string. Alternatively, a support with the help of a grid is possible through the pursuit of the shoots of the hydrangea "Annabelle" grow and are supported so completely without further action. If you want to be on the safe side, you better stick each flower individually.

Tips & Tricks

Cut the hydrangea "Annabelle" regularly in the spring to about 15 centimeters above the ground, then it can drive out all the stronger again.