How, where and when to sow hornbills?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hornbills: Mystical and Majestic | Borneo Jungle Diaries (S02E04) | SZtv
Video: Hornbills: Mystical and Majestic | Borneo Jungle Diaries (S02E04) | SZtv


Horny violets are light germs and must not be covered with soil after sowing

How, where and when to sow hornbills?

Most commercially available horned violets are not well perennial. With luck, they last three years. So that not constantly new plants must be bought, the seeding of the seeds comes for example from own harvest as called.

Do not miss: the best sowing time

Anyone who chooses to raise hornbills in their own home should start pre-cultivation between January and March. From May, the young horned violets are planted. Direct sowing can be done all year round. But the best time between April and July has proven itself.

Harvest or buy the seeds yourself

You can get the seeds anywhere in the trade. But if you already have horned violets, it is worth harvesting the seeds yourself. For this you should not cut off the stems after flowering. Harvest the seed pods and keep them airy. Once dried, they can be opened with your fingers and the seeds tumble out.

Sowing step by step

Self-harvested horn-seed seeds are only able to germinate if they have been stratified before sowing. It is best to sow them in the summer in the summer. Then they get their cold in winter and germinate in spring.

The following should be noted when sowing (after a stratification) home:

It is ideal, if the sown seeds come to a shade place. This prevents the soil from drying out too quickly. When the cotyledons are visible, the plants must come to a bright place. If necessary, they can be separated if necessary.

Properties of the sown horned violets

As a result, one does not obtain varietal horn violets that are equal to the parent plant. But they convince with their abundance of flowers and their endurance. Unfortunately, they are not as durable as cocooned horned violets ...

Tips & Tricks

At their location, horned violins like to sow themselves and grow wild. The sowing does not necessarily have to be taken into their own hands.