Horny violet in the kitchen - colorful, versatile and edible

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Episode Nine: Horny on Main | Violating Community Guidelines
Video: Episode Nine: Horny on Main | Violating Community Guidelines


Horny violets are a delicious and beautiful ingredient for your salad

Horny violet in the kitchen - colorful, versatile and edible

Nowadays, it is not uncommon for consumers to stand in the supermarket and look surprised, because their eyes fall on a salad bowl in which flowers are. Often these include the flowers of horned violets. These are edible ...

The Frost is coming - what will become of the horn violets?

Horny violet flowers - the colorful garnish

Horned violet flowers are magically beautiful. They are available in a variety of colors: deep black, royal blue, purple, rosé, flame red, orange, lemon yellow and white. Even multicolored flowers are not uncommon. This wide color palette makes it an ideal garnish in the kitchen.

Ideas for use in the kitchen

The slightly sweet-tasting and wonderfully fragrant flowers can be eaten raw or baked or candied. They are suitable for the following dishes, for example:

Make candied horned violet flowers yourself

Although the leaves are also edible. But they look less decorative. Therefore, the flowers are candied. This works as follows:

Beware of pesticides, fungicides and co

Completely thoughtless you should not eat all the hornbeams you see. If you buy horn violets in a pot at the flower shop or hardware store, you should not eat them. As a rule, these were raised with artificial fertilizer. In addition, they have been treated with chemical pesticides such as pesticides and fungicides and are toxic.

The horned violets from the trade are not designed to be eaten, but rather to look pretty. If you still plan to eat the flowers, you have a chance. They should wait at least a year until the horn violet has broken down the pesticides and fertilizers.

Better is the alternative to sow the hornbeams themselves. This is quite simple:

Tips & Tricks

Pick the flowers shortly before consumption. Then her aroma is best and the scent strongest.