Diseases and pests endanger the hops

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Brown leaves are often an indication of nutrient deficiency or disease

Diseases and pests endanger the hops

There are a number of diseases and pests that add to hops. Often an infestation can only be recognized when it is almost too late. Hops care therefore requires regularly examining the plants for changes in leaves, flowers and fruits. How to recognize diseases and pests.

These diseases and pests occur

Recognize and treat hop hull

Hops witch is triggered by a fungus that infests the roots and young shoot tips. It clogs the water-bearing veins and causes the plant to wither and eventually die.

If there is hops wilt, there is no help. You must remove the whole plant and dispose of it in the household waste.

Combat powdery mildew

Powdery mildew occurs in very warm weather and is favored by dense leaves. He shows himself by a whitish coating mainly on the leaf tops.

Affected leaves cut off. Throw them in the trash.

What to do against pests?

Pests usually only appear when the infestation has spread. If the leaves and buds are covered with a greasy layer, it is the hop aphid. The red spider mite can be recognized by the leaves and buds, which turn coppery red.

To save the plant, you can try to control the pests with nettle stock. There are also commercially available sprays that are also suitable for growing vegetables. After using sprays you should refrain from harvesting the fruits and eating the hops.

Prevent diseases and pest infestation

Often the weather and dense plants are responsible for the occurrence of harmful fungi and pests. As a precaution, you should choose mildew-resistant varieties for cultivation in the garden.

Do not let too many hops grow on a plant. Cut all shoots down to a maximum of ten tendrils.

Make sure that enough nutrients are available to the hops. Occasional watering with jamming from nettles or horsetail have a preventive effect.


If the hops are infested with powdery mildew, old home remedies sometimes help. Sprinkle the leaves and stems several times with diluted, fresh milk. Since the climbing plant is very high, but the fight can prove quite expensive.