How to build a raised bed of stone

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 2 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How we built Raised Garden Beds with Rocks
Video: How we built Raised Garden Beds with Rocks


A raised bed of stone is very durable

How to build a raised bed of stone

Although raised beds are typically made of wood, this material has serious disadvantages. Brick walls are much more durable than wood, and you can enjoy decades of living on such a layered or brick raised bed. In addition, such raised beds are even suitable for permanent planting with perennial shrubs or even small fruit trees, as the individual layers do not decompose so quickly inside.

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Advantages of stone raised beds

Although the material stone compared to wood is initially more expensive and also harder to process, but it has a virtually unlimited lifespan. Once built, you do not need to rebuild such a raised bed every few years. In addition, the interior of a raised bed of stone warms slower than one because of the thicker walls than wood, but can keep the heat longer. This has a positive effect on the growth of plants, but also has an effect on the decomposition process of the individual inner layers - these also rot slower and do not collapse so quickly, which is why rock raised beds are more suitable for permanent planting. Basically, however, even with these variants, the decomposed material must be removed after a few years and the bed be replanted.

Types of stone raised beds

There are two different ways to build a raised bed of stone. In a drywall, simply layer the stones on top of each other without mortar or cement, while in mortared walls they are joined together by a suitable material and thus permanently fixed. Note, however, that dry stone walls take up more space at the same height, because the walls must be built much wider than a mortared wall to be stable.

dry stone walls

Usually you do not need a foundation for a drywall raised bed, instead a flat and sufficiently firm surface is sufficient. Mash it well so that the stones do not tip or sink. If the soil in your garden is very soft (for example, because it is a very sandy soil), a simple foundation is recommended to increase stability. Suitable materials are all types of natural stone, which may or may not be processed. However, it is only with great skill that it is possible to bring little-carved stones into a reasonably closed form with a flat top edge. In addition, the joints between the stones are greater, the coarser the stone profiles fail. However, you can take advantage of this by planting these loopholes with rock garden plants or suitable herbs.

How to build a simple drywall raised bed

The easiest way to build a drywall raised bed with rectangular, smooth as possible worked stones. Use the largest and most equal copies for the bottom row. Then build up the drywall layer by layer until finally the final nest height is reached. When doing so, make sure that you do not stack the tiles joint-to-joint but offset them. They should be so stable that they do not wobble or tip over. To compensate for bumps, you can pin small pieces of stone in the remaining gaps. Then nothing will wobble anymore.

Raised bed with mortared wall

Mortared walls can be built from regularly worked or cut natural stones, bricks, clinker or concrete blocks. In any case, however, a foundation must be placed under the walls of the raised bed so that it is sufficiently stable. There are various possibilities:

Furthermore, a sufficiently deep pit at the intended location of the raised bed must first be bagged. On this foundation, you finally build the walls of the raised bed, paying careful attention to a good seal. Water must not penetrate anywhere, otherwise it will freeze in winter at minus temperatures and destroy the wall.

Which types of stone are particularly suitable for raised beds

High beds made of stone can look very different. The market offers a large assortment of natural stones, but also on shaped bricks such as brick or clinker as well as cast concrete molds. The type of stones you choose depends on a variety of factors. On the one hand, different materials naturally have different optical effects - but also their price. Natural stones such as granite, porphyry, travertine and limestone and sandstone look fantastic, but are also very expensive. Conversely, concrete blocks that are easier to process due to their uniform size and shape are much cheaper to buy. This also applies to brick or clinker, with simple clay bricks are usually not very stable and weatherproof. Therefore, better grip on fired clay tiles or clinker.


There are also natural stones in the form of stone palisades or steles, with which extravagant and individual raised beds can be erected. Walls made of machined slate tiles also look particularly classy. Since these are very expensive, build the walls of the raised bed of solid material (such as concrete or metal) and then dress only the front pages with it.