To multiply raspberries - How to do it right!

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Propagate and Multiply Raspberry Plants
Video: How to Propagate and Multiply Raspberry Plants


To multiply raspberries - How to do it right!

The proliferation of raspberries is not particularly difficult. Even as a gardener, you can easily grow new plants for your garden. So that the multiplication succeeds, you should consider a few tips.

Various methods of propagation

Red and black summer and autumn raspberries are propagated in the same way by:

Multiply raspberries by cuttings

Cuttings you win directly from the root of the desired raspberry plant. This gives you the guarantee that you are growing exactly the raspberry variety you want to multiply.

The best time to get the cuttings is autumn. Use the spade to prick off a piece of the root. Make sure that enough eyes and fine roots remain on the section.

Divide the root piece into individual cuttings. Each clone should be about ten inches long and have at least five eyes.

To plant root cuttings in autumn

Put the cuttings a few inches deep into the loose soil and cover it with soil.

Spread a mulch cover of leaves, straw or bark mulch over it to protect the young plants from frost.

In spring plant the seedlings to the desired location.

By lowering new plants win

By lowering, the gardener understands that one or more rods of the raspberry bush are laid on the ground, fastened there and partially covered with soil.

At the covered places the rods form roots and later also leaves. They are gouged in the spring and transplanted to the desired location.

Propagation by lowering works better if you tie the rods with a copper wire where they lie underground. They thereby accumulate the sap and stimulate rooting.

Special case black raspberries

Black raspberries are neither propagated by root cuttings nor by offshoots. In order to grow new plants, you have to lower the shoot tips in autumn.

The rods are bent down and the tips are placed on humus soil. Then cover it with soil. From this form independent plants over the winter.

They are separated from the rod in the spring and planted at the desired location.

Use stems of raspberries

If your raspberries have formed many offshoots, you can easily breed new raspberry bushes from these.

They dig out the foothills and make sure they are well rooted. Then place them in a prepared bed in a sunny spot.

However, you should only use this method if you only have one raspberry variety in the garden. Otherwise, you might catch offshoots of varieties you did not want to propagate.

Tips & Tricks

If you multiply autumn raspberries by cuttings or shoots, you can reap some fruits next year. Summer raspberries take a year longer to grow new raspberries on the young plants.