Transplanting raspberries is child's play

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Transplanting raspberries is child's play - Garden
Transplanting raspberries is child's play - Garden


Transplanting raspberries is child's play

If the raspberry bushes spread too much or are in an unfavorable position, you can transplant them. This is child's play and possible at almost any time of the year.

The best time to implement

Basically, you can implement your raspberries all year round. But it is cheaper to wait with the transplanting until after harvest. Then the plants have enough power to form new roots. They then grow faster.

Excavating the raspberry plant

Pierce the grave fork about 20 to 30 centimeters around the plant deep into the ground. Then carefully lift the raspberry bush.

Make sure that you dig out as many roots as possible, especially the fine hairs.

First put the plant in a water bath for a few hours.

So transplant the raspberry

Choose a location in the sun and make sure the earth has enough nutrients. On the square should have been no berry bushes.

Before planting, check that the roots are healthy. Leave only a few rods per plant. Very long shoots shorten by half. Long shoots of the roots cut off with a sharp secateurs.

Tips for transferring raspberry plants

Raspberries get along very well with the transposition. However, in the first year after transplanting, the bushes will bear only few fruit.

Raspberry bushes bear fruit for up to ten years. It is therefore not worthwhile to implement older plants. Then rather plant young plants. Raspberries are easy to pull yourself.

Lay out a mulch blanket under the new shrubs. You will then have to water less and also keep the weeds at bay.

Tips & Tricks

Does the raspberry leave the leaves after transplanting? Then you should check if the soil is sufficiently moist. If necessary, pour a little more often. But make sure that the irrigation water does not accumulate on the roots.