So the garden hibiscus gets the best care

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
मिर्ची गुडहल 🌺Chilli hibiscus / sleeping hibiscus 👉growing and caring method #gardening
Video: मिर्ची गुडहल 🌺Chilli hibiscus / sleeping hibiscus 👉growing and caring method #gardening


So the garden hibiscus gets the best care

The hibiscus has settled in well in a sunny, sheltered place in the garden. Although it does not set any high standards, you should take care of some care instructions and then you can enjoy the most beautiful flowers from your favorite place.

How often do I have to water my hibiscus?

Especially young plants need a lot of water to grow, so they should be watered regularly. In case of prolonged drought, the hibiscus, also called garden marshmallow or rosemary, tends to throw off its leaves. That's why you should always keep the soil around the hibiscus moist, while avoiding waterlogging.

Does the hibiscus need a special fertilizer?

Fertilize organic fertilizer or compost, which is applied to the soil in spring.

How can I implement the hibiscus?

The best time for transplanting the hibiscus is the spring, from about the end of March. You should proceed in the following steps:

Do I have to cut my hibiscus?

Yes, once a year, you should cut the hibiscus to preserve the flowering of the flowers, educate the growth habit and avoid overgrowth and overgrowth. Do you realize that the flowers are getting smaller, it is also time for a pruning.

When is the right time to make the hibiscus?

The garden hibiscus is blended in spring. It's best to wait until the end of March. Then the strictest night frosts should be over and fresh shoots do not freeze right back.

How and with what do I intersect the hibiscus?

To cut the hibiscus you use a well-sharpened garden or pruning shears. You apply the cut diagonally above an eye or directly to the trunk. The hibiscus thanks a pruning with a rain new shoot and can be shortened without problems by about one third.

If you have created a flowering hibiscus hedge, cut the hedge down to about two-thirds per year.

My hibiscus is attacked by aphids, how can I fight them?

The hibiscus is also very popular with its flowers in aphids. Preventively, you can plant the hibiscus with herbs such as lavender, sage or thyme, whose smell is unappetizing for aphids.

If you have discovered the unpleasant guests nevertheless, you have the choice between Absammeln or showering with a strong jet of water. With a soapy water, you then inject the entire shrub dripping wet. Finished, biological soap mixtures are available at the hardware store or garden center. There are also chemical agents for use against particularly stubborn aphids.

My hibiscus has yellow leaves, what now?

Yellow leaves usually indicate a lack of nutrients. With this so-called chlorosis your hibiscus needs more fertilizer.

If, on the other hand, individual yellow spots have formed on the leaves, the hibiscus is affected by the yellow spot disease. This is a virus attack. The best way to stem it is to remove all affected leaves. Other plants in the garden could be affected by it, so you should also examine these.

What do the brown spots on the leaves of my hibiscus mean?

Brown spots on the leaves may be from the leafspot fungus. You just collect the affected leaves and discard them.

Why are the flowers of my hibiscus unopened?

This happens when the hibiscus has water shortage. So be sure to water in dry periods.

How can I safely hibernate the garden hibiscus?

You have certainly planted the proven hardy variety Hibiscus syriacus in the garden. You can protect young plants in winter by covering the ground with a layer of bark mulch. Older plants do not need special protection.

My terrace adorns a hibiscus in the tub. What should I pay attention to when taking care of him?

As a container plant for the terrace is often used the Hibiscus rosa sinensis, which necessarily requires a sunny location. However, at the beginning of the flowering period, he must not go crazy, because he otherwise drops the flowers.

It requires a lot of water, but you should absolutely make sure that no waterlogging forms in the tub or pot and drain off excess water. Useful are through holes in the pot, which you can usually drill into it yourself or a drainage layer of stones.

Before the first frost, the container plant must be brought into the house. Here it hibernates best at temperatures between 10 and 15 ° C.

Tips & Tricks

The soapy water to fight the aphids you make from 1 tablespoon of soap per liter of water.
Maybe also helps a nettle infusion. The mixture of chopped nettles and water has to draw for three days and is then poured off.