Cut heather vigorously

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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A vigorous pruning promotes flower growth

Cut heather vigorously

Heather is by no means equal to heather, although broom heath and snow heath are very similar. However, due to their different flowering times, both species are cut at different times.

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Time for pruning depends on flowering time

So that the heather plants do not kink from below, but keep drifting out and blooming, you have to cut them back at least once a year. The right time depends on the particular species and its flowering time, with the spring as cutting time is never wrong. Cut the plants down to a hand's breadth above the ground. In addition, you can make an autumn cut at the summer heather, which you should refrain from the winter heather better - otherwise cut off the flower buds and thus prevent flowering.

Cutting cuttings

In the spring, heather plants can be easily propagated by lowering them, but the propagation of cuttings is the fastest method of rapidly gaining young plants in large numbers. Both Erika plants and the broom heath are propagated by so-called ripples, which are cut in July.

What are "cracked pieces"?

Risslings are not actually cut, but demolished by the plant. This leaves a bark tongue, which is cut off except for a short rest. The high concentration of growth hormones in the bark tongue has a favorable effect on rooting. If you do not want to deal with their plants as rabidly as you can cut the cuttings of course.

Multiplying heath by cuttings

Crop propagation in heather plants works best with the following method:


However, what you should do again and again, is the regular cleaning of faded inflorescences. In this way you stimulate the plant again and again to the new formation of blooms.