Is the dogrose poisonous?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 TOXIC PLANTS for DOGS and Their Effects 🐶 ❌ 🌷
Video: 10 TOXIC PLANTS for DOGS and Their Effects 🐶 ❌ 🌷


The fruits of the dogrose are not poisonous but also not edible like the dog rose

Is the dogrose poisonous?

In autumn, they shine bright red and from numerous bushes against: the rock-hard fruits of the hedge roses. Unlike other wild fruits, however, hardly anyone bothers to collect rose hips. It may be worth the effort, because the fruits of the dog rose (Rosa canina) contain a lot of vitamin C and are therefore a very healthy vitamin donor for the cold season.

Do not confuse dog rose and dog rose!

However, while collecting, be careful to collect the right fruit. In fact, only the rose-hipped fruits of the dog-rose are edible, while the more orange-red apple fruits of the closely related and very similar dogrose (Rosa corymbifera) are not used for jam and co. Although the fruits of the Rosa corymbifera are not poisonous, they also do not have the healthy properties of the actual rosehips.


Due to the great similarity between the two species, it can quickly be confused. However, Rosa corymbifera and Rosa canina can be distinguished by their number of spines: While the dog-rose has many spines, Rosa corymbifera has few spines and is therefore almost sting-less.