The Haworthia fasciata is not poisonous

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 4 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
86/100 Haworthia Zebra Succulent Haworthia Attenuata vs Haworthia Fasciata Comparison • Indoor Plant
Video: 86/100 Haworthia Zebra Succulent Haworthia Attenuata vs Haworthia Fasciata Comparison • Indoor Plant


The Haworthia fasciata has very pointed leaves

The Haworthia fasciata is not poisonous

The Haworthia fasciata is like all Haworthien species not poisonous. Therefore, you can keep the popular, easy-care indoor plant harmless, even if children and pets belong to the family. Only with the pointed leaves you should be a little careful.

Haworthia fasciata is not poisonous

You can safely keep a Haworthia fasciata in the house. Like all succulents, the plant is not poisonous.

If liquid leaks when cutting the leaves, it is water that stores the plant in the leaves. It is completely safe.

Some Haworthia species develop very sharp, hard leaves. They can hurt small children or pets. Therefore, you should set up a Haworthia so that children and animals do not come into contact with it.


Haworthia fasciata is also sold as Zebra Haworthie. It owes its name to its leaves, which carry broad white stripes on the underside.