How to extract the hazelnut from seeds?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to Grow Hazelnuts From a Seed
Video: How to Grow Hazelnuts From a Seed


How to extract the hazelnut from seeds?

Pulling a hazelnut from a seed is a breeze for anyone with a little experience with plants. There are some points to keep in mind so that it does not become an ordeal and succeeds in breeding ...

Which nuts are suitable for germination?

Hazelnuts from the trade are usually not suitable for pulling. Often they have been dried too hot, so they are no longer germinable. Furthermore, they are often too old and have lost their germination capacity through the superposition.

Essentially better for germination are hazelnuts from own harvest. You should not be too old. Therefore, it is advisable to use freshly harvested nuts.

The ideal location and the pase floor

Well considered should be the siting, if the hazelnuts are not first used in pots, but are immediately shipped to the field. The location for pulling should be protected, ideally half-shaded and safe from animal feeding. The floor should have the following characteristics:

How do you best germinate?

Hazelnuts need a cold spell to get them to germinate. Therefore, it is good to simply put the nuts (with peel) in the field in the ground. There they are easily covered with earth. Then they are left to themselves. With luck, the first shoots will appear next spring.

The start time survive - no challenge

In the first time, the soil should be watered regularly. A moist environment is very important for the hazelnut in the beginning. Nursing is not needed and neither is winter protection. After two to three years of waiting, the plant usually bears the first fruits and the harvest can begin.

Tips & Tricks

Attention: Homegrown hazelnuts are usually less productive. In addition, the formed nuts do not have the quality (especially size and taste) of those that you once planted.