Is the hazelnut a shrub or tree?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Native Hazelnut shrub: who knew?
Video: Native Hazelnut shrub: who knew?


Is the hazelnut a shrub or tree?

To plant the hazelnut in your own garden? Not a bad idea - but does it become a shrub or a tree? Many hazelnut lovers ask themselves this question and here comes the answer ...

Small tree or large shrub

The hazelnut can grow into both a shrub and a tree. In most cases, which are found in this country, it is hazelnut shrubs. The reason is that the hazelnut is harder to pull than tree. Responsible for this are her many cane rashes, which she trains with a liking and which make her look like a bush.

Whether as a small tree or as a large shrub, the hazelnut has a moderate growth in the first years of their lives. Later, when she gets a foothold at her location, she grows stronger and often becomes a pestilence for many gardeners, which is difficult to remove.

The hazelnut as a shrub

As a shrub, the hazelnut reaches an average height of 5 m. Their maximum height is 6 m. In the width it takes as a shrub pulled a space between 4 and 6 m.

The hazelnut shrub has many stems and is well branched and branched from the base. It grows upright and gets a dense appearance. Due to the dense growth, the hazelnut shrub is ideal as:

The hazelnut as a tree

In the rarest cases the hazelnut grows to a small tree. As a tree, it reaches a size between 7 and 10 m. The crown is wide-ranging, since the branches in the age far apart strive. This results in a umbrella-shaped figure, which makes the hazelnut tree a valuable shade dispenser.

But why are there so few hazelnut trees that would be ideal for home gardens, open lawns and large courtyards? The reason is that the hazelnut forms shoots at the base of their tribe. They give the plant a shrubby appearance.

Tips & Tricks

Since the hazelnut likes to make rashes, it is easier to plant as a shrub. Thus, the regular removal of the rash, which costs time and patience, spared.