Can the harp shrub keep cats away?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Replace Perfection with Self-Expression (Jung at Harp #52) [May 21, 2021]
Video: Replace Perfection with Self-Expression (Jung at Harp #52) [May 21, 2021]


Cats do not like the intense smell of harp shrub

Can the harp shrub keep cats away?

The harp shrubs are a whole plant genus with numerous different plants. Among other things, the so-called "verpiss-you plant" in Latin belongs: Plectranthus caninus. This sometimes very fragrant plant is not only intended to keep cats away from the garden beds.

The effect is also directed against dogs or rabbits, but is dependent on the weather. Strong sunlight intensifies the scent of the essential oils, which is intended to drive away unwelcome guests. Young shrubs may not yet be effective enough. Some animals are completely unimpressed by the smell of harp smoke, for many people is not even noticeable. Nevertheless, allergy sufferers should be careful when handling the harp shrub.

The essentials in brief:


For a satisfying effect, place the plants close enough, the distance should not exceed one meter.