Do you have to cut a hemp palm?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Golden Palm 1
Video: Golden Palm 1


The hemp palm should only be cut with a sharp tool

Do you have to cut a hemp palm?

Basically, hemp palms are not cut.Nevertheless, it may occasionally be necessary to cut brown leaves or even green leaves. You have to be very careful. What you have to consider when cutting the hemp palm.

Previous article What should be considered when fertilizing the hemp palm? Next article Treat brown leaves on the hemp palm

Cutting brown leaves of hemp palm

Brown leaves get the hemp palm in an unfavorable location or with poor care. Since these leaves do not look so nice, you may cut gently.

Wait for the leaf to dry completely. Then cut it off so that a remnant of about four centimeters remains on the stem of the hemp palm.

Why are the leaves of the hemp palm turning brown?

Almost always, incorrect care is responsible for the appearance of brown leaves or leaf tips. Possible causes are:

If the hemp palm gets too much or too little water, the leaves turn yellow and later brown. Brown leaf tips are caused by too low humidity. Yellow spots, which later turn brown, indicate a sunburn.

Make sure you water the hemp palm properly. If necessary, increase the humidity by spraying the leaves with water. Move the hemp palm to a slightly shadier location if the leaves suffer from sunburn.

How to cut green leaves from hemp palms

If it is necessary to cut green leaves of a hemp palm tree, proceed in two steps.

First cut off only part of the leaf. Leave at least 15 inches on the palm. The rest of the pruned leaf will dry out. Only when it is completely dry, it is cut off. Again, about four centimeters of stem have to be left on the trunk.

Use sharp tool

Use very sharp and clean secateurs to cut hemp palms. Blurred edges cause the leaves to tear, leaving them vulnerable to decay.


If the hemp palm is wintering in a low-light location, you must carefully get used to the brightness. Otherwise it gets brown leaves. Set the palm in semi-shade for several days before exposing it to direct sunlight.