When are hornbeams planted?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting a hornbeam hedge | The Impatient Gardener
Video: Planting a hornbeam hedge | The Impatient Gardener


Container plants can be planted around the year

When are hornbeams planted?

As for all deciduous trees, the best time to plant hornbeams is autumn. Depending on what kind of tree you have bought or pulled, you can plant the hornbeam by May. The right day also plays a role.

Plant rootless or bale hornbeam in autumn

For a hornbeam that you have bare root, so bought without soil, or as a bale, the best planting time is the fall. This also applies to hornbeams that you yourself have propagated or pulled from offshoots. In autumn, the soil is sufficiently moist, and there is no danger that the young roots dry up.

Place the trees in a water bath for a few hours before planting to allow the roots to soak.

If you have missed the right time, you may even place hornbeams in spring. Choose a frost-free day and do not forget to water the tree regularly.

Plant container trees year-round

With a hornbeam in the container the planting time is not so crucial. It has a pronounced root system and is supplied with sufficient soil. But you have to pay for it but also a higher price.

You can plant a container hornbeam all year round. Only the midsummer or frost in winter, planting the tree is not advisable.

The best way to grow container plants is to plant them in the garden from September to May.


If you plant hornbeams as a single tree, keep a sufficient distance to buildings. The trees do not develop roots that damage the walls or paving slabs. However, the crown can reach considerable proportions after a few years.