Hornbeam is not poisonous for horses

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hornbeam Tree - Facts & Identification
Video: Hornbeam Tree - Facts & Identification


Hornbeams are not poisonous to horses

Hornbeam is not poisonous for horses

For horses, many plants are poisonous. It is therefore very important for horse owners to pay attention to non-toxic plants in the pastures and in the vicinity of the barn. At Hainbuchen horse fans can be carefree. They are not toxic to horses.

Hornbeams are not beeches and therefore not poisonous

When moving into a new pasture, horse owners need to closely inspect the environment and see which plants grow on the pasture or on the edge. If there are hornbeams there is no cause for concern.

While it can be dangerous for horses, if they have eaten only a few beech leaves or beechnuts, this danger does not exist in the hornbeam.

Neither in the leaves nor in the nutlets, as the fruits of the hornbeam are called, are substances that are poisonous to horses.


In the classic horse country Schleswig-Holstein you can find hornbeam very often in the Knicks pastures. Among them are very old specimens that have reached imposing proportions.