Plant hanging geraniums - this is how you proceed correctly

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Overwintering Geraniums: When and How to Pot Up
Video: Overwintering Geraniums: When and How to Pot Up


Only after the Eisheiligen the hanging geraniums should come into the free

Plant hanging geraniums - this is how you proceed correctly

In contrast to the upright geraniums (Pelargonium zonal), hanging geraniums grow up to 150 centimeters long shoots with lush flowers. The best way to plant the popular balcony and hanging plants is in the following article.

Next article Hanging geraniums: care, cutting, wintering

Which location prefer hanging geraniums?

Mostly for hanging geraniums are given half shady to sunny locations, but it is true that the more sun the plants get, the more abundant the flowers are. So it is best to have a south, southwest or southeast facing balcony. Also make sure that the plants are protected from wind and rain, especially wetness makes the flowers often look ugly.

Which substrate is best for hanging geraniums?

Like all geraniums, hanging geraniums prefer a loose, well-drained and nutrient-rich substrate. The plants are pronounced heavy eaters and therefore benefit from humus soil. You can use special geranium soil for planting, but also mix it yourself from commercially available potting soil, compost soil and perlite (or other clay granules).

When is the best time to plant the hanging geraniums?

Hanging geraniums are very sensitive to cold and should therefore only be planted after the icy saints when late frosts are no longer to be expected. If you have wintered the plants, you can gradually harden them from the end of April / beginning of May and put them out during the day.

How big should the ideal planting distance be for hanging geraniums?

Ideally, hanging geraniums are planted at intervals of 20 to 30 centimeters.

When do flowering geraniums bloom?

Hanging geraniums bloom from May throughout the summer, with good care often even up to the first frosts in October / November.

How can hanger geraniums be best multiplied?

If you do not want to buy new plants every year, you can grow your geraniums yourself. The easiest way to do this is via cuttings, which are cut in late summer / early autumn. In addition, in January / February at the latest, you can also grow your own hanging geraniums from seeds or share older plants.

When should you transplant hanging geraniums?

If you overwinter your hanging geraniums, they should be repotted in early spring - preferably before the first sprouting - in fresh substrate. On this occasion, you can also immediately make a pruning.


When buying pendant geraniums are often secured with a plastic grid. This should be carefully removed before planting by cutting the individual struts all around with scissors.