Planting cucumbers yourself - this is how they thrive best

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Perfectly Planting Cucumbers, Squash & Zucchini: Making the Planting Hole & 2 Top Mistakes to Avoid
Video: Perfectly Planting Cucumbers, Squash & Zucchini: Making the Planting Hole & 2 Top Mistakes to Avoid


Planting cucumbers yourself - this is how they thrive best

Cucumbers contain 95 percent water, valuable beauty compounds, lots of vitamins and low calories. Whether as a salad, braised vegetables or facial mask: they taste delicious, are healthy and a cool treat. More and more hobby gardeners want to grow cucumbers themselves. Plant cucumbers according to instructions

There are over 40 types of cucumbers. There is a distinction between

Greenhouse cucumbers are cold and zugempfindlicher as free-range cucumbers and therefore suitable for cultivation under glass. Furthermore, one assigns cucumbers, depending on the type and use in fine-skinned salad or snake cucumbers and more robust cucumbers.

Which location would cucumber plants favor?

Cucumber plants are susceptible to frost and may only be released outdoors when the soil temperature is above 15 ° C. For outdoor cucumber cultivation, therefore, choose a warm and sunny, preferably sheltered location. The greenhouse culture guarantees sufficient light, heat and weather protection for a healthy growth and an early harvest.

In which soil do cucumber plants feel particularly well?

The ideal soil for cucumbers is loose, light and sandy. The more humus in the soil, the better. Cover the ground with mulch. This protects the sensitive roots and prevents dryness. All cucumbers are hungry for nutrients and moisture - especially during growth. Optimal is a neutral to slightly basic soil. A pH of 7.0 is therefore ideal. You can change the pH

Which cucumbers sow and which ones plant?

In a heated greenhouse you can sow cucumbers from mid-March. Outdoor cucumbers, on the other hand, should be sown on the windowsill or in the greenhouse at the earliest in mid-April. Then the young plants when transplanting into the garden are not too big. Consider whether you prefer cold-sensitive cucumbers in the greenhouse or prefer to buy young plants and plant directly in the garden. This saves the daily hardening of the plants and transplanting.

Against the dangerous cucumber mildew mushroom, you should plant powdery mildew resistant F1 hybrid cucumbers.

When and how can you prefer cucumbers?

Who wants to pull cucumbers himself, should start in mid-April. A mini greenhouse is best for pulling on the windowsill. The germination period is 5 to 10 days. Once the nights are frost-free, repot the young plants outdoors. Then, if the weather god supports your cucumber care, you can harvest and enjoy the first cucumbers 6 weeks later.

Give your cucumber the necessary hold

Whether on the ground or while climbing - cucumbers rarely grow in the desired direction. Planting rods or trellis aids help the plants to grow healthier and bear fruit more easily. Simply stretch cords in the greenhouse, to which one binds the plants. Ideal for the greenhouse is also the tensioning of a rough net of rope material. Before the cucumber plants hit the roof, cut off the main shoot and shoot out side shoots. This prevents boundless growth and promotes more flowers and fruiting.

Successfully refining cucumbers is not difficult

Even hobby gardeners can refine fruit vegetables such as tomatoes or cucumbers. The right tool and a proven manual make it easier.

From flowering to harvest, everything at the right time

As soon as there are no late frosts, cucumbers are allowed to go outside. This applies to self-bred as well as purchased seedlings. From the end of May, the first greenhouse cucumbers are ripe. In mid-July you can harvest the first cucumbers outdoors. If they turn yellow, the optimal maturity stage is exceeded. Important: From the plant regularly cut the ripe cucumbers so that again
ripen. So there's twice a week garden fresh cucumbers until October.

Substrate - the mixture makes the difference

Cucumber earth must be loose, nutritious and rich in humus - and cucumbers love stable dung. Strawy manure and bark mulch or half-rotten, loose compost soil promote aeration. A proven mix for cucumber earth:

How much planting distance do cucumber plants need?

Place cucumber plants at a distance of 60 centimeters each. The row spacing should be about 1.50 meters. In the field one can put two to three cucumber plants per square meter.

Which neighbors like cucumbers more or less?

Together with dill and basil, cucumber plants thrive and are less affected by diseases and pests. Onions, peas and bush beans also have a positive effect on cucumber growth. The proximity of potatoes, tomatoes, radishes and rosemary less like cucumbers.

Tips & Tricks

You want to harvest cucumbers all summer? Then put 2 times cucumber plants. You plant the first generation of cucumbers in mid-May and the second in late July. The cucumbers ripen with regular harvest for about eight weeks. And 2 cucumber plants are enough for a 4-person family.