Store cucumbers correctly - where the green vegetables feel good

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: Are Vegetables Really Healthy? The Dr. Binocs Show | Best Learning Video For Kids | Peekaboo Kidz


Cucumbers keep a good week in the vegetable compartment

Store cucumbers correctly - where the green vegetables feel good

They have bought juicy-crunchy cucumbers, come home and immediately add them to other vegetables and fruits in the fridge - after all, the good ingredients should stay fresh for a long time.But does it really make sense to store cucumbers that way? We clarify.

Cucumbers in the refrigerator only for a few days

Store a cucumber for a maximum of four days in the refrigerator. If it stays in it for a long time, it quickly becomes stained and / or yellow due to the cold. It also assumes a mushy consistency. This is because cucumbers are more than 90 percent water - when temperatures drop below four degrees Celsius, the green vegetables freeze; when thawed, it will then become soft and inedible.

How long do cucumbers last for which storage?

There are various locations where you can store cucumbers:

Keep cucumbers "open" in the kitchen

If you would like to eat the cucumber right on the day of purchase, it is best to simply lay the vegetables on the sideboard in the kitchen until it is used. If so, store the cucumber in a perforated plastic bag.

Shelf life: few hours / one day

Pantry or cellar as ideal places

Pantry and cellar are the best places to store cucumbers, as these rooms usually have temperatures between 10 and 13 degrees Celsius and darkness. These are the perfect conditions for cucumbers.

Shelf life: two to three weeks

In the fridge prefer vegetable tray

If you have neither a pantry nor a basement room available, the cucumber in the refrigerator is best kept if it is not consumed on the same day. Then put the cucumber into the vegetable compartment, where it is a little less cold.

Shelf life: seven to ten days

Basic tips for storing cucumbers

Keep cucumber after cutting

Here is a short step-by-step guide to storing a sliced ​​cucumber:

    Wash the cucumber BEFORE cutting. Carefully rub the cucumber dry with kitchen paper. Cut off the desired cucumber piece. Wrap the remaining cucumber in cling film.


Alternatively, you can put the vegetables in a plastic tin. The main thing is that it is protected from air and moisture.

    Put the packaged cucumber in the refrigerator and consume it within a few days.