Can I keep my rubber tree in hydroponic culture?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Grow Rubber Plant & Peace Lily in Semi-Hydroponics (Clay Pebbles or Leca)
Video: Grow Rubber Plant & Peace Lily in Semi-Hydroponics (Clay Pebbles or Leca)


Changing to hydroponics is not that easy

Can I keep my rubber tree in hydroponic culture?

Easy to maintain but rather old-fashioned, so is sometimes the image of the rubber tree. He is a very attractive and decorative houseplant. He can be quite well in hydroponic culture, which simplifies his care once again.

How do I change my rubber tree to hydroponics?

The repotting of a previously held in soil rubber tree in hydroponic culture is not easy.On the one hand, the size of the tree plays a certain role, because a two meter rubber tree is not that easy to handle. On the other hand, careful work is necessary. You must thoroughly rid the roots of your rubber tree of all earth remains, so that the conversion can succeed.

It is best to rinse with low-calcium water. Then place your rubber tree in a special hydroponic inner pot and fill the jar with expanded clay. By gently tapping the pot on a firm surface, distribute the clay evenly between the roots. Do not water your rubber tree, especially at first.

Pull a cutting in hydroponic culture

Pulling a cuttings in hydroponic culture is much easier than moving an old rubber tree. Cut the cuttings as usual and place them in a hydroponic culture for rooting.

How do I care for my rubber tree in hydroponics?

Since the rubber tree in hydroponic culture can not extract nutrients from the soil, you need to feed them with fertilizer. Add some commercially available liquid fertilizer or special hydroponic fertilizer to the irrigation water approximately every two to four weeks.

The water level should be in the minimum range, so that the roots of your rubber tree get enough oxygen. If the water level indicator is permanently at maximum, then the root could rot. For your annual vacation you can definitely make an exception.

Hydroponic tips for the rubber tree:


As a beginner in terms of hydroponics, it's best to buy a rubber tree that has already been grown in hydroponic culture. Alternatively, you can drag a clone in a similar manner.