What is mossy gum tree?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica)
Video: Blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica)


Propagation over mosses is very expensive

What is mossy gum tree?

The Abmoosen is a possibility for the multiplication and rejuvenation of plants. Here, the future young plant rooting before it is separated from the old plant. There are different methods and it is possible to get relatively large seedlings.

In addition, you can use the Abmoosen to give your rubber tree a special shape. These methods are especially popular when pulling a bonsai. So grow roots or branches where you want and prevent bald spots on the plant.

How does the moss work?

In the so-called wedge method, cut the selected shoot diagonally from bottom to top. Keep the resulting gap open with a wedge and keep it evenly moist for the next time. Rooting powder and / or peat moss facilitates the formation of new roots. Wrap plastic wrap around the Abmos point or pull a cut plastic bag over it and tie it above and below the interface, then the moisture will hold better.

Since the rooting requires a lot of light, the foil or bag must be transparent. With a syringe you can water this place easily. After about six to ten weeks, the first roots will show. The young plant should only be separated from the old plant, if the roots are rich and strong.

When is the best time to bluff?

Ideally, you should moss your easy-care rubber tree in spring, about in March. The second half of the year is less well suited, because rooting should be completed before hibernation. During this time, the growth is significantly slowed, making the Abmoosen is difficult. After all, even in the spring, it is a rather expensive method, but it produces relatively large seedlings.

The essentials in brief:


If you want to obtain a relatively large handsome seedling by propagating, then the moss is the best method. Start early, because it will take a few months.