Easy care and decorative - the green lily plant

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
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Easy care and decorative - the green lily plant

The green lily is relatively robust and is considered to be very easy to care for. Little mistakes in the care it takes so quickly not bad. Nevertheless, she thanks you for a good care with particularly lush and beautiful growth.

Summer decorations for the balcony

Not only as a houseplant, the green lily is very decorative. In summer, she also likes to decorate her terrace or balcony with her long, often bicoloured leaves and many pretty offshoots. Hanging, these are particularly good effect. It is therefore best to plant your green lily in a balcony box or flower basket. A flower column is also well suited for green lilies.

Too much heat and the blazing sun at lunchtime does not like your green lily. Then their leaves burn easily and become unsightly brown. Therefore, it is better not to give the green lily a place on the south side of your house or provide sufficient sun protection.

The ideal office plant

Because it is so easy to maintain, the green lily stands in many offices and public buildings. Because she does not mind if she is not cast for a few days. So she also survives a long weekend or the holidays well.

If she seems a bit tired and dried out, treat her to a little dip in lukewarm water and her green lily will recover quickly. Even spraying with low-calcium water is very helpful in this case.

The green lily as an air freshener

Various studies have found that the green lily has been shown to improve indoor air quality. Their leaves contain enzymes that convert harmful substances and chemicals into harmless substances. This benefits your health, especially if you have asthma or other respiratory problems.

Especially good is the green lily against formaldehyde and benzene. But it generally improves the indoor air very well. For this reason, it is recommended in low energy homes for air quality improvement.

The essentials in brief:

Tips & Tricks

The green lily improves the indoor air demonstrably. Use this effect in poorly ventilated rooms.