Why does the green lily get brown tips?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Stop Your Peace Lily Getting Brown Tips
Video: How to Stop Your Peace Lily Getting Brown Tips


Why does the green lily get brown tips?

The green lily is a very decorative evergreen houseplant and also easy to clean. This makes it ideal for planting offices and public buildings. Occasionally, the plant suffers from brown tips, however, you can easily remedy.

How to get green lilies from offshoots - the best tips

Why does the green lily get brown tips?

If the green lily gets brown leaf tips, then this is either the location or the humidity. Maybe it was not cast too well, but this leads rather to brown spots or brown leaves. Although the plant is quite undemanding, but she does not like very much, when their leaf tips hit a surface.

The windowsill is therefore not the ideal location for green lilies. A flower basket is much better. The hanging flowers and offshoots, which can reach up to 70 cm in length, also come into their own.

What can I do against brown tips?

If your green lily has gotten brown leaf tips, spray the plant with lime-warm lukewarm water. This is the best first aid measure. Make sure there is sufficient humidity in the future. This does not have to be very high. Only too dry heating air is not very good, neither for green lilies, nor for their owners.

You may also think about a new location for your green lily. The long narrow leaves reach depending on the variety a length of about 30 to 40 cm. If you have no room for a hanging lamp, you may place your green lily on an upper shelf. Again, the leaves, flowers and shoots can hang relatively freely.

The most common reasons for brown tips on green lilies:

Tips & Tricks

It is best to hang your green lily in a hanging basket and occasionally sprinkle it with lime-free water at very low humidity, then it will not get any brown leaves.