To proliferate gold fruit palm over seed or offshoot

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pineapple Tissue Culture from Seed and Apical Meristem (From Supermarket)
Video: Pineapple Tissue Culture from Seed and Apical Meristem (From Supermarket)


Goldfruchtpalmen can be multiplied well over offshoots

To proliferate gold fruit palm over seed or offshoot

Gold fruit palms are relatively easy to multiply. The also called Areca palm tree can be pulled from seeds. It is even easier and much faster if you pull a gold fruit palm from offshoots. This is how the propagation of the gold fruit palm works.

To multiply gold fruit palm from seeds

The propagation of a gold fruit palm from seeds is not easy. You also need a lot of patience until a real Areca palm has grown from a seed. Above all, the temperatures and lighting conditions must be observed.

The seeds of the gold fruit palm are sown in spring. The temperatures must be at least 18 degrees for the seed to germinate.

Pull new gold fruit palms from offshoots

It is much easier to multiply a gold fruit palm from offshoots and it does not take that long. You need a mother plant that has already formed ground shoots. These ground shoots must be at least 30 inches high and already have a few roots.

Cut the ground shoots in the spring and put them in prepared pots. Cover the shelves with cling wrap to ensure even soil moisture. The film should be aired once a day to prevent mold growth.

Place the offshoots in a light, warm location for four to six weeks. But avoid direct sunlight. As soon as new fronds form, you know that the proliferation of the gold fruit palm has worked out, because then new roots have developed. The palm thus increased is now maintained like an adult plant.

The right soil mixture for gold fruit palms

Place the offshoots either in special palm soil or make a mixture of compost earth, sand and gravel yourself. The plant substrate should be slightly acidic. A pH of six is ​​ideal.


The gold fruit palm owes its name to the fruits, which are actually golden yellow. However, the Areca palm develops flowers and fruits only under very favorable climatic conditions. In our latitudes, it is too cool and too dark.