Why does the gold fruit palm get brown leaf tips?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
why plant leaves turn brown and dry on the ends
Video: why plant leaves turn brown and dry on the ends


If it is the gold fruit palm to dry, it gets brown leaf tips

Why does the gold fruit palm get brown leaf tips?

Gold fruit palms are originally from Madagascar, where they are used to a rather humid climate and sufficient light. If the demands on location and care are not met, the fronds turn brown or yellow. The first sign of a bad location are brown leaf tips.

Causes for brown leaf tips of Areca palm

If only the leaf tips of the fronds turn brown, this is a first indication that the humidity in the room is too low. This happens quite often, especially in winter, when the heaters are on and the room climate is very dry.

If whole fronds turn brown or yellow, care errors or pest infestation can be the cause. Even a too sunny location leads to brown leaf tips or yellow leaves.

Just cut off brown leaf tips?

The brown leaf tips look ugly and can disturb the overall picture of the palm tree. You may therefore cut them off. They do not grow, however.

If you want to cut the tips, use a sharp secateurs. For very delicate fronds it also does a nail scissors. It is important that the scissors are cleaned before cutting, so you do not transmit diseases or pests.

Cut off only the brown of the tips. If you cut into the still green fronds parts, the edges are brown there. Over time, the entire frond discolors and dies.

So bow down gold leaf palm brown leaf tips

Brown leaf tips on the Areca palm can be easily prevented by regularly spraying the fronds with water. Always use low-calcium water, which should not be too cold.

In summer, set the golden fruit palm out to a bright but not directly sunny spot. Although in winter it likes direct sunlight, you should not care for the tree right behind a glass pane. The tips of the leaves as well as the whole fronds can burn when the sun shines longer.


There is no risk of poisoning for golden fruit palms for small children or pets like cats. Nevertheless, put the palm out of reach.