Plant goji berries in your own garden

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Grow Super Nutritious Goji Berries At Home
Video: Grow Super Nutritious Goji Berries At Home


Goji berries are best bought at a specialist retailer

Plant goji berries in your own garden

Goji berries used to be imported mainly from Asian countries, mostly in dried form. Nowadays, these vitamin-rich berries are also increasingly cultivated on a large scale in Germany and also planted in many private gardens.

How to choose suitable plants?

Since the so-called "common buckthorn" or "devil's thread" occurs in some East German regions as a plant in nature, sometimes hobby gardeners tend to grow cuttings of these mother plants. For a high fruit yield, this is usually suboptimal, as these plants often bloom little to no, and of course do not produce any fruit. For cultivation in the garden with the hopeful prospect of a rich harvest, therefore, the varieties of fruit bred for this purpose in Asia should be acquired by specialized dealers.

Which location does the goji berry prefer?

The Goji berry is not very demanding as a plant and can show acceptable growth even in shady locations. A stronger growth and a larger number of flowers can be achieved in a sunny and warm location.

What should be considered when planting these berry bushes?

Since the roots of the goji berry are not particularly sensitive, they can also be shortened if necessary, to better fit into the excavated planting hole. Just make sure that the bare roots are not too long in the sun and dry out. At sites with a rather heavy soil, the time of planting can be used to loosen the soil around the plant base with some sand or coarse gravel. In this way you also prevent the waterlogging at the roots that is not beneficial for goji berries.

How do young plants become productive shrubs?

Goji berries freshly pulled from cuttings or seeds should not be left to their fate in the garden bed or in the pot on the terrace. Although they require no special fertilization, but should be trained with targeted cutting measures to a compact waking shrub. In Asia, goji berries are often even cultivated as a high strain, so that the long branches with the bright orange-red fruits can hang well ventilated down.

In what ways can Goji berries be propagated?

In the Goji berries are basically the following types of propagation in question:

The Goji berry should be regularly cut back in the garden, as the otherwise uncontrolled long-proliferating branches hit new roots in their bow shape when touching the ground. In addition, for the containment of uncontrolled foothills a Rhizomsperre in the soil should be considered, otherwise it can come to the underground propagation in the vicinity of the shrubs.

What is the best planting time for a goji berry?

Basically Goji berries can be planted in spring and autumn. In the case of young plants, planting in the outdoor bed should in any case be carried out in the spring, if possible, so that the plants are rooted sufficiently well and hardy until the first strong frosts.

When do goji berries blossom and when can the fruits be harvested?

Goji berries usually bloom at about the third year, if the conditions are met. The flowering time ranges depending on the weather approximately from June to August. Then, from August to September (and sometimes even into October), the vitamin-rich fruits are harvested.

Which soil substrate provides good growth conditions for Goji berries?

Goji berries can cope with most soil without problems. However, it is ideal if the soil is not too heavy and there is no waterlogging in the root area of ​​the plants. Heavy soils can be loosened up with drainage materials such as sand, coarse gravel or potsherds and in this way aerated a bit.


In principle, goji berries can also be grown from seeds. However, this propagation method is rather secondary in the Goji berries, as these shrubs tend anyway to the formation of subsidence and underground foothills and the rooting of cuttings succeed relatively straightforward. If you still want to grow a goji berry shrub out of seeds, it is important to keep the climate as constant as possible (for example, in the mini greenhouse on a not too sunny window sill). In addition, the seeds are light germs.