Cut the goji berry properly

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Prune Goji Berry Plants For Maximum Berry Production | Part 1
Video: How To Prune Goji Berry Plants For Maximum Berry Production | Part 1


A regular pruning keeps the goji berry in shape

Cut the goji berry properly

Goji berries are a red scarf for some gardeners, despite their vitamin-rich fruits, as even cultivated for the culture in the garden varieties tend to a relatively strong growth and thus a spread in the garden. Therefore, the regular cut is an important part of the care of a goji berry.

The consistent cut of the goji berry always makes sense

The pruning of a goji berry not only serves visual aspects, but at various levels makes an important contribution to plant health and fruit yield, not least for the following reasons:

While it may make sense in other plants to let them initially as young plants in the air, are in the Goji berry shaping cutting measures in any case to be seen as beneficial. Basically, the cut of a goji berry should be done in each case in the lifting, especially long shoots you can cut back in the spring, if necessary, and shorten to a maximum of 60 cm in length.

Educate the goji berry to a compact shrub

In nature, the so-called common wolfberry (or devil's twine) does not grow very compact, but spreads in spite of its height in a rather creeping way on free surfaces. In order to make the best possible use of the available space in a suitable location in the garden, a consistent education of young Goji berries to a shrub is recommended. For this, the plant is cut back to about 20 cm in height in the first year. In the second year then about five to six shoots can be left with a length of about 60 cm. From the third year onwards, the upbringing can be carried out every two years, but as a rule it is still possible every year to cut back particularly long and thus overhanging branches.

Positive effects of a regular cutback on the yield

Since the regular cut better ventilation of the existing branches on the bush is given, powdery mildew occurs in general less often. This benefits a Goji berry shrub health and can put all the more energy in the growth of flowers and thus in the fruit set. Shorter twigs usually also have a larger fruit stock than extremely long twigs.

Use the resulting cut material of the Goji berry for propagation

The branches of the Goji berry obtained from pruning can be used as cuttings for propagation. If the cut has been overlooked for a long period of time, then the sinkers and foothills that are probably already formed can also be tapped and transplanted with a sharp spade.


Be careful when it comes to fertilizing the goji berry. As a rule, gardening compost is sufficient. If very nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used, this greatly stimulates the mass growth of a Goji berry shrub, which runs counter to cutting in the sense of a compact growth habit.