Honeysuckle in the house or outdoors hibernate properly

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Lucky clover can not stand too cold winters

Honeysuckle in the house or outdoors hibernate properly

In contrast to the wild awake sweet clover of the sour clover species belonging lucky clover is only partially winter hardy. He tolerates short periods of frost, but does not survive cold winter outdoors. So hibernate lucky clover in the house or outdoors.

Previous article Tips for caring for Lucky clover in the pot and garden Next article Grow lucky clover yourself - it's that easy!

Hibernate clover in the pot over winter

A lucky clover pulled under glass you overwinter normally in the living room. He then keeps his decorative leaves, which are green depending on the variety with purple center or red colored.

If the lucky clover has been growing in the pot for more than one season, it turns brown in autumn and then loses its leaves. Place the pot in a frost-free place where it should be as bright as possible for the winter.

It is only sparsely watered in the winter, and the fertilizer is completely set.

Dig lucky clover in the fall

For a short time, lucky clover tolerates temperatures down to minus ten degrees in the open air. If it stays cold for longer, the plant freezes.

To save the lucky clover for the next season, you have to dig up the bulbs in the fall. Remove all still green leaves. Put the onions in small pots of normal garden soil and place in a frost-free, bright place.

Next spring, plant onions again. But wait so long that no more frosts are to be expected.


Lucky clover can become a real plague in the garden, as it both self-sows and propagates via foothills underground. That's why it makes sense to dig it out in the fall and spend the winter in the house.