How to maintain your luck tree - tips and tricks

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Saving Lucky Bamboo | Do’s & Don’ts | Lucky Bamboo Plant Care | Tips & Tricks | Bubbles of Green
Video: Saving Lucky Bamboo | Do’s & Don’ts | Lucky Bamboo Plant Care | Tips & Tricks | Bubbles of Green


In his native Australia, the lucky tree grows up to 20 meters high

How to maintain your luck tree - tips and tricks

The Australian bottle tree, as the lucky tree is called, can grow up to two meters high, reaching heights of up to 20 meters in its homeland. But you can also pull him as a bonsai.

Plant the luck tree properly

The Australian bottle tree grows best in well drained soil. You are also welcome to use special cactus earth. The ideal location of the Australian bottle tree is bright and sunny.

So the lucky tree can be in the heated living room all year round, but also likes spending the summer on the balcony or in the garden. However, you should slowly get used to the Australian bottle tree and not leave it outside overnight in the spring.

Water the luck tree properly and fertilize

The luck tree should be poured thoroughly. A few minutes after pouring, drain the excess water collected in the planter or coaster. Too much water can lead to leaf loss. Short-term dryness tolerates your lucky tree much better than waterlogging. Fertilize monthly, but always give him only a small dose of liquid fertilizer.

The luck tree in winter

During the winter, reduce the amount of water and pour your Australian bottle tree only moderately. You should not fertilize it in the period from October to February or March. Do not start again until your lucky tree starts to bud.

A cool hibernation at about 12 ° C to 15 ° C does your Australian bottle tree quite well. He then stops growing, needs only less water. He should be poured "sips", so to speak. Hibernation at room temperature can lead to Geiltrieben, these are long thin shoots without force.

The essentials in brief:


The lucky tree is a decorative eye-catcher on the summery balcony but also in the home living room. The maintenance effort is quite low.